We did it. 5 years in the making. Anonymous, auditable, incentivised, repeat consent genomic queries

3 min readAug 25, 2023


Today, at midday UK time we sent out the GenomesDAO COVID-19 Severity Beta Test. Anonymous, auditable, incentivised, repeat consent genomic queries are here.

This is the first genomic query that GenomesDAO is offering to pay our users for. This allows us to show how the technology works and to understand what level of response we can expect.

This particular query will test to see “Do you express the variants that predispose you to severe COVID-19?”. In layman terms this means — are you genetically more likely to suffer from severe forms of COVID-19 including long-COVID.

They will only receive this information, anonymously, and will receive no further details from your genome

For their troubles, GenomesDAO offered users 30,000 $GENE

We are entering a new era of genomics. Using Genomes.io you can contribute your DNA data to research that brings lifesaving medical discoveries, without losing privacy or ownership of your data.

Querying your genome will be akin to having a blood test in the next 5 years. However, once your genome is securely stored and access is controlled by you (and only you), running a query on your genome will take seconds and require no more needles!

Our ‘DNA Vaults’ harness SEV technology. These DNA Vaults are fully virtualised machines that run all processes in encrypted memory, encrypting user provided genomic data in storage with private keys provided by their mobile device. These user keys are never stored outside encrypted memory and are only available to the user.

The tech stack is built in such a way that means no one, not even Genomes.io as a technology provider, is able to access user ‘DNA Vaults’ and the user always retains full control over their genomic data stored within.

This gives users the ability to securely store their genomic data in the cloud, with confidence that it is never exposed to cloud-computing attacks or administrators with malicious intentions at cloud data centres or even Genomes.io.

Our collaboration with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) will allow us to take advantage of the latest security components available in AMD EPYC processors, such as SEV-ES and SEV-SNP to stay at the forefront of cloud data storage security and always provide our customers with the gold standard of protection for their most valuable personal asset.

This aim of the test was 2-fold.

1 — As a case study for pharmaceutical engagement. Queries have never been sent out in this way, so we are interested in how many people approve or respond to the request.

2 — To test the actual infrastructure we have spent 5 years building. Please be aware that this genomic test is currently in its beta phase and is not designed for medical diagnosis. Keep in mind that the results should not be treated as official medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations.

We have results.

If you have any questions about this or anything else — join over 2500 people in the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bYvqcNDrvC or jump into the Telegram group: https://t.me/+TblGWLX6Nul3ClGw




GenomesDAO is a genomic data security company that democratizes and decentralizes genomics in Healthcare