GenomesDAO launches GENOME on BASE

4 min readApr 15, 2024



If you held the old tokens prior to the GENOME launch, you can migrate them for GENOME.

You can just send the tokens to 0xd53c79ff8c473bbfe4e40e5525d4d24fd4b8534c on any supported network (mainnet, polygon & arbitrum) this will trigger getting you the tokens (genomes.eth on etherscan).

You will get the tokens deposited back to the same wallet on Base.****

We are delighted to announce that GenomesDAO is launching GENOME. A single utility and governance token for the GenomesDAO tools and platforms. A single market cap for GenomesDAO.

GENOME is launching on BASE right now


GENE can be swapped at a ratio of 1:1 (1 GENOME for every GENE)

GNOME can be swapped at a ratio of 10:1 (10 GENOME for every GNOME)


There is a fixed supply of 1 billion GENOME. It is currently supported on BASE network and ETHEREUM mainnet. (Users can vote to add new chains for support using snapshot governance votes).


GENOME on Mainnet:

GENOME on Coingecko:

Community Leading

The aim of this update is to provide a deep pool of liquidity and reduce complexity in the system. As a decentralized organization, we want to encourage as much DAO governance as possible. By having one token that acts as both utility and governance, the community can really lead the building of GenomesDAO as a decentralized autonomous organization.

Our community has called out repeatedly for simplicity and focus. Deep GENOME liquidity pools on BASE make this a reality. This also means one market cap.

Liquidity and rewards

On Base

Liquidity is provided on Aerodrome Finance

Aerodrome are whitelisting the token and it will be available in the interface shortly — so you are ahead of the curve if you get it now!

On Aerodrome — go to

If GENOME doesnt show up — add the address 0x1db0c569ebb4a8b57AC01833B9792F526305e062 to locate it.

You can do the same on aggregators. We recommend DefiLlama Swap

We are incentivising LP provision using ETH for the first month.

Aerodrome rewards run from every Thursday weekly. GenomesDAO is rewarding 5000 $AERO in week 1 for LP providers who stake their tokens

Harvest Finance has extra rewards in the form of GENOME to compound your rewards on BASE. These are running as of right now!

On Mainnet

Community members have added a pool on Ethereum mainnet on Uniswap for GENOME/ETH

Go to

If GENOME doesn’t show up — add the mainnet address 0x7ae4f8885f6cfa41a692cb9da3789cfa6a83e9f2 to locate it.


MEXC will be supporting the launch — users do not need to do anything, GENOME trading will launch shortly — your tokens will be automatically swapped for GENOME.

MEXC trading of GENOME is now live


You can bridge from ETH mainnet to BASE using the Superbridge here:

Be aware — bridging from Mainnet to Base takes minutes, but withdrawals can take a week depending on the bridge you use.


Ecosystem Integration and Accessibility: Base offers seamless integration with Coinbase’s products, tools, and user base, enabling developers to tap into a vast ecosystem with over 110M verified users and $80B in assets on the platform. This integration facilitates easy fiat onramps and access to powerful acquisition tools​.

Security and Scalability: Base leverages the underlying security mechanisms of Ethereum, incorporating Coinbase’s best practices. This provides a solid foundation for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) with confidence, ensuring both security and scalability for on-chain operations​.

Low Transaction Costs: Thanks to its use of optimistic rollups, Base processes transactions off-chain in batches before finalizing them on the Ethereum mainnet. This method significantly reduces transaction fees by spreading fixed costs across multiple transactions, making it a cost-effective platform for both developers and users​.

Developer Friendly: The network is designed to be open-source, developer-friendly, and fully EVM equivalent, allowing for easy deployment of Ethereum-based tools, frameworks, and smart contracts. This compatibility enhances accessibility and simplifies the transition for developers already familiar with Ethereum’s ecosystem

The swap page will be live for 1 month — after which you will need to DM the telegram admins in order to make the swap. Which we will honor for qualifying addresses.

If you have any questions about this or anything else, jump into the Telegram group:




GenomesDAO is a genomic data security company that democratizes and decentralizes genomics in Healthcare